How to refuel energy with concrete example

Having the highest level of energy possible is fundamental to a successful professional career, private relationships, personal projects and financial success: all this can only be accomplished by periodically refuel energy. But how to do it when you have a very active professional and family life? This is what we will see together in this article with a concrete example that incorporates the elements of the video on How to get clarity of mind at the Kandaya resort hotel, on the island of Cebu in the Philippines. We will see how to reach the emotional state of lucidity, open door to a peace of mind conducive to positive and new ideas. At the end of the article, we will see how to reach this feeling by staying at home, without having to travel to the other end of the world!

My trip to the Philippines continues, I'm still on Cebu Island, but this time all the way north to Kandaya Hotel.

This is not the first time I stay at this hotel, because, rare thing, I have been there before, I loved it, I decided to go back, and I went back.

This place is now part of a very small list of places in the world that I call my retreats, that is to say my refuges. Places where I can breathe, rest, rejuvenate myself in positive energies, bring down my stress level, far from civilization. On this channel Youtube Waterfall Revenue I will have in the months and years to come the opportunity to present my other refuges. They are not all as luxurious as this hotel, but all my refuges have 4 very special features that are conducive to attracting positive energies to recharge body and mind energy level. I talk about it in a moment, but first of all, let's discover the pictures of this magnificent Kandaya hotel in Cebu Island, Philippines.

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Find your refuge

This Kandaya hotel is part of my list of retreats because it has the following features:

So now that we have found a place to relax, how to do concretely to rejuvenate eneregy - let's make it true with a real example.

To know how to appreciate your refuge

A refuge is a place to relax,

it's a great place to think,

Think about the trajectory of your life,

Think about what has been accomplished,

Think about where you are in your personal and professional ambitions.

Those who followed the Waterfall Revenue project from the beginning may have performed the MCQ test on how to have a vision for their life, and followed the articles how to define a vision of life (alone or as a couple). All these methods are available on this website. It's in places like this that you can clearly define a vision for your life, and work on planning your vision.

To relax, no need to cross half of the globe as I do when coming to the Philippines, it is possible to do the exercise by staying close to home, as long as it is a beautiful place comfortable, quiet and isolated of the crowds, close to nature with large open spaces.

All day I spent with family, by the pool, in the room, in the restaurant, in the playroom. Many activities to forget about my real life outside the holidays, a lot of activities without thinking, just to clear mind.

Going for a long hike or cycling in the nature is also a great way to put yourself in a favorable dynamic to recharge your batteries.

Understand the power of nightfall

In the tropics nightc comes early, before dinner time, and my favorite moment is sunset. This hotel is on the coast with a western exposure, so it's perfect for having beautiful sunsets over the sea all year round. The next time you book a hotel in the tropics, look to which direction it is heading if you want to enjoy a sunset.

All day long I enjoy my family, we will see a little later in the video what are the equipments of the hotel.

And in the evening before dinner, I watch out the sunset. I reserve myself a moment with myself to recharge my batteries.

The light falls which allows to have intimate moments with myself, and it is important to have moments with oneself, especially if you have an active professional and family life. This type of moments are rare and it's important to make the best of them when they occur.

What I like to do is walk outside the limits of the hotel, where it is less clean, wilder. There are more authentic places where real people live. Here is a long dyke that protects a fishing village.

What I like to do is walk outside the limits of the hotel, where it is less clean, wilder. There are more authentic places where real people live. Here is a long dyke that protects a fishing village.

And what a beautiful metaphor to walk on this dyke that goes far into the sea, as rushing to the end of the known, the limits of my comfort zone.

All in the distance, this tiny islet all round, which represents the next stage of my life, mysterious and attractive. How to join? What is there? There are the real questions to ask yourself.

Let the magic of the place act

To sit alone, to ponder nature while thinking of nothing. Empty your mind of everything. Feel your stress level at 0, breathe the fresh air and recharge yourbody and soul with positive energy.

Those who appreciate this type of place deserve to succeed their life in all aspects.

Because here, freed from stress, black ideas and any external pressure, the mind becomes clear and invaded by lucidity.


For me having a clear mind is the key to creating value. I remind you, the Waterfall Revenue method for a successful life is based on value creation, which for me is the only sustainable way to get rich, financially and humanly. I create value for others, and receive value in return.

Creating value requires great ideas, a good strategy, excellent planning, and the ability to execute. To have all this you need a clear and lucid mind, free from all stress, free from fatigue.

Some people reach this state through meditation. The meditation I find it very interesting, but it requires a very high level of practice to achieve a perfect state of serenity. While there, as I do, an uninitiated person can within a few hours achieve lucidity. Just spend an afternoon outside, and find a beautiful secluded place to meet in the evening, and let the magic of the place operate.

And when the brain is invaded by the feeling of lucidity, just take a sheet of paper and a pencil, or the note-taking app of your phone, and organize your ideas.

Organize your ideas

Just after filming this video, I sat down and took advantage of this exceptional moment to put my ideas in order, prioritize the different personal and professional projects in which I am involved.

I had an organizational problem that I did not know how to solve, and my brain gave me the solution, without me even having to think about it. And it's a very good solution, so simple that I'm surprised I did not find it sooner.

That's the great power to reach a state of extreme lucidity: the brain finds solutions to problems by itself. It is the great force of the unconscious, and the unconscious works well when the content is soothed and unsolicited. The unconscious is not going to do a great job when you watch netflix series, play video games, scroll through news feed or Facebook, or when you are talking of the latest gossip with your best friend in a cofee. The unconscious works well when you are surrounded by positive energy, when you are evolving in beautiful places in contact with nature.

Ensuite j'ai des idées très intéressantes qui me sont venues à l'esprit sur la création de valeur, qui est un de mes sujets favoris. J'ai trouvé une manière simple d'expliquer la connexion entre la notion de création de valeur et le concept numéro 1 de la méthode Waterfall Revenue, qui est, je le rappelle, avoir une vision pour sa vie, sur les plans personnels et professionnels. Quand je rentrerai de vacances je reprendrai mes notes, rajouterai des diagrammes pour bien expliquer mes idées et enverrai par email une fiche méthode aux membres du Cercle Privé. Ça devrait être disponible dans 2 semaines environ. Comme ça les membres du groupe pourront mettre en œuvre concrètement dans leur vie des éléments pour mieux réussir leur carrière professionnelle et leurs projets personnels. Pur ceux qui ne connaissent pas, Le Cercle Privé, c'est entièrement gratuit. J'y parle de choses plus ciblées, moins grand public sur comment accélérer sa carrière professionnelle et aussi comment développer des revenus complémentaires pour ne pas dépendre uniquement de son emploi. Tu es donc libre de t'inscrire dès maintenant en te rendant sur le site, tout en bas de la page principale il y a un lien qui s'appelle Le Cercle, il suffit de cliquer dessus et de suivre les instructions qui s'affichent à l'écran. Si tu lis cet article plus de deux semaines après la date de publication et que tu veux la fiche méthode dont je parlais juste avant, indique-le moi au moment de l'inscription, je te transfèrerai la fiche en question.

Now back to our subject. Today I refuel my energy alone, but it is also possible to do this as a couple, or with someone with whom you have a project in common, or a common challenge. Take a walk in an inspiring place, then sit, count nature without speaking, and when the sweetness is well installed, tackle together the challenge that matters.

In the energy management training I launched last month, there is an entire chapter devoted to the impact of light to the level of personal energy. What must also be remembered is that the drop in brightness, like the sunset, is conducive to constructive human exchanges, especially if the setting is pleasant.

Some other thoughts that come to my mind during a good dinner

It's dark now, let's go back to the hotel for dinner. Because eating well is important to have a good level of energy. Nowadays, being able to pay for a night in a 5-star hotel is within the reach of so many people. Of course not everyone, but when you are a supervisor, manager or executive, it is quite possible if you know how to properly manage your money.

On the other hand for many people, the experience is limited to the room and the pool. I see a lot of people, who will have breakfast at the last moment at the buffet, eat a lot, and skip the lunch to save money, and in the evening order room service to save a few dollars on the bill.

It reminds me when I was younger my first stays in 5 star hotels. I could afford the room because there was a low season promotion, but I could not afford to pay for the restaurants and cocktails by the pool.

For me today, it is no longer a question of going to this type of place if I can not afford the life style that goes with it. Have breakfast a la carte or buffet, lunch by the pool facing the sea, dinner at the gourmet restaurant and drink fine wines, without excess of course, but most importantly, without having to think about the bill.

How do I do? This is because I have above-average income from many sources. And how did I get there? By creating value. I always come back to value, but value creation is the only way to succeed. I have created value for the companies that employ me and I have been rewarded with promotions, and I have achieved high salary levels. I created additional income by giving value to others, all framed by legal and tax structures, and in return I received dividends. Throughout the year, with my wife we ​​have a good control of our expenses, and we can go on vacation several times a year in beautiful places.

When I'm here in this beautiful place, I remember why I put so much energy to create value througouh the year: it is to be able to live more moments like this one with my family.

When you are a young graduated couple, it is quite possible financially to make a beautiful trip in the tropics and stay in this type of hotels. Airline tickets are cheap, and it's easy on the internet to find good prices for hotels.

On the other hand, for most employees, as soon as they have children in school, they can no longer afford to pay for this kind of holiday, because plane tickets during school holidays for the whole family cost too much, because you have to duplicate everything on the spot: two rooms, double the expenses for restaurants and activities. In the end it is necessary to multiply by 3 or 4 the cost of the trip compared to when you are travelling as a couple. That's why most couple will not travel anymore far from their home. They will wait for their retirement to continue to discover the planet Earth. Twice a year they will overload their car to visit their parents in the countryside, or take some holiday rental by the sea, and do not even dare to consider a trip abroad.

Some other thoughts that come to my mind during a good dinner...

At the entrance of the hotel there is a pool with royal carps: we see that a lot in Asia, especially in China. According to the principles of Feng Shui, they bring happiness and bring the financial ease to those who have a basin like this one in his garden. According to the tradition, if one of these fish dies, it must immediately replace it so that a misfortune does not occur. The owner of the hotel is a Chinese from Hong Kong, he must know the symbolism of these carp.


I spoke with the management of the hotel, who told me that the owner would be a Chinese from Hong Kong, married to a Brazilian. From this merger is born the hotel Kandaya. When you stay at this hotel, you feel that it's not just an investment, it's probably also their retirement, their shelter, a place of their own where they come to relax and refuel their energy. And for a few hundred dollars a day it is possible here to rent a villa with pool and live for a few days their life as a millionaire. And that's what we are doing here as a family.

What I like here is that there is plenty to do, whether it's sunny or rainy. Let's go around the activities.

A superb infinity pool facing the sea, a large terrace where there are Yoga classes in the evening, plenty of sunbeds, a volleyball court, paddle boarding, boat trips for traditional diving or simply stroll, sea kayaking, not to mention the beach. Jetski, windsurfing, or simply strolling through the park, on foot, by golf cart or by bike. There is also Basketball court, tennis court, boxing ring, gym, billiards, table tennis, stables, not forgetting the spa.

Eat well to recharge your batteries

The food is very good and I discovered why: it is produced in the farm of the hotel - everything is organic. I even saw the cook go straight to the garden to get the vegetables for his recipe! In the training manage energy that I launched last month, I explain the vitamin content of food according to their mode of preservation, and I could not hope better illustration than what I see here. Look at this lush garden and imagine the tasty fruits and vegetables that will end up on your plate!

To conclude

I will tell you good bye for this time. If I find the time, I will do another video next week on this trip to the Philippines, showing beautiful landscapes but more important, sharing ideas on creating value for the success of your life.

From this video, remember that to relax, get rid of stress, you must reach the emotional state of lucidity, and for that you have to get away from crowds, in a quiet and pleasant place, preferably in nature: forests, in height on a plateau, a hill, or mountains in front of large bodies of water as here facing the sea. Here are the places to privilege. This fits perfectly with the Waterfall Revenue method for a successful life, including concept 5 which is called Flee the System.

For that there is no need to go to a 5-star hotel, or hang up the plane and go to the other side of the world, it can be achieve next to the place you leave. What I propose now is that you think about the closest inspiring place to your home and plan to go there as soon as possible to get fresh ideas, maybe today or next weekend.

If you really can not go out of your house because the weather is not good, or because you can not easily move outside the city where you live, you can do the exercice staying in your home. It will not have the same impact but it will still be beneficial: all what you need to do is put away your living space, prepare a very good dinner, reduce the light, put relaxing music and, very important, turn off all screens, including your laptop and mobile, so you can be alone with yourself.

Wish you the best, and see you soon for a new article, a new video, or in The Private Circle Waterfall Revenue.

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